Leadership Development

Building Performance Mindsets

Organizational values are grounded in the culture and attitude of each individual. It begins with leaders. FRsix trains the Components of a Performance Mindset; a proprietary set of principles developed by our team based on our decades of experience building teams in every environment. These principles include Character, Preparation, Choice, Action, and Communication. Our training program will dive into each of these in great detail, unlocking the driving factors behind each and providing real-world examples of these principles in action. We will tailor our talking points to the mission, goals, and key challenges of your organization.

FRsix LLC builds leaders.

FRsix LLC builds leaders. Regardless of industry, people are the most important asset in any organization. We teach individuals, teams and organizations in both public and private sectors how to thrive in high-stress, complex environments where success is earned and expected.

Drive and Perseverance

Perspective matters in rapid organizational change. In 18 months we built and set the standard for a holistic global security program; recognized by the FBI, DHS and industry leaders. We built culture and a close-knit team, while bringing innovation and creativity to security and safety challenges. We created something greater than sum of its parts.  A freedom fighter to some is an insurgent to others. Hire based on potential not industry experience to watch an organization leap farther than anyone thought possible.


Our Work


FRSIX conducts multi-hazard threat assessments of critical, high-profile infrastructure, including buildings, real estate, the right of way (railway), environmental, climate, technology, policies, and operating procedures. *Subcontractor of ARUP*

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Gonzaga College High School

FRSIX conducts a multi-hazard threat vulnerability assessment of all existing and planned security measures regarding security operations and training, site access, policy development, identification of trespass, authorized access for personnel at Gonzaga College High School.

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